Events uses the library to support realtime duplex communication with the backend API server for features such as entity requests/updates and high-volume log viewing.

Request Elevation

Not implemented (GatewayRoute)

The GatewayRoute component is in the middle of a proposed redesign that uses the gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection plugin to parse structured data with the MDX and create references across the text. See this PR on the old repo for more information. This would allow us to include route information within the text, in addition to having an “Index” page that includes all routes.

On receiving a valid authentication token, the server will create a new “elevated” room with access to protected events.

Request Elevation Return

Not implemented (GatewayRoute)

The GatewayRoute component is in the middle of a proposed redesign that uses the gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection plugin to parse structured data with the MDX and create references across the text. See this PR on the old repo for more information. This would allow us to include route information within the text, in addition to having an “Index” page that includes all routes.

Mock User Event

Not implemented (GatewayRoute)

The GatewayRoute component is in the middle of a proposed redesign that uses the gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection plugin to parse structured data with the MDX and create references across the text. See this PR on the old repo for more information. This would allow us to include route information within the text, in addition to having an “Index” page that includes all routes.

Mock Bot Event

Not implemented (GatewayRoute)

The GatewayRoute component is in the middle of a proposed redesign that uses the gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection plugin to parse structured data with the MDX and create references across the text. See this PR on the old repo for more information. This would allow us to include route information within the text, in addition to having an “Index” page that includes all routes.


Not implemented (GatewayRoute)

The GatewayRoute component is in the middle of a proposed redesign that uses the gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection plugin to parse structured data with the MDX and create references across the text. See this PR on the old repo for more information. This would allow us to include route information within the text, in addition to having an “Index” page that includes all routes.


Log Pool

Not implemented (GatewayRoute)

The GatewayRoute component is in the middle of a proposed redesign that uses the gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection plugin to parse structured data with the MDX and create references across the text. See this PR on the old repo for more information. This would allow us to include route information within the text, in addition to having an “Index” page that includes all routes.

Joseph Azevedo profile
Last modified 2 years ago
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