Guilds List

The Guild object is used to gain context into Discord guilds (servers), including information such as id, icon, and name.

Guild Object

Same as discord guild object, with two additions:

Json Params
has_architusbooleanwhether Architus is a member of the guild
architus_adminbooleanwhether the user is an Architus admin in the guild
Guild Example
  "features": [
  "name": "",
  "owner": false,
  "icon": "3aa641b21acded468308a37eef43d7b3",
  "id": "336642139381301249",
  "permissions": 104189632,
  "has_architus": true,
  "architus_admin": false

Get List of Guilds

v1 Rest API


Requires authentication

Returns a list of guild objects that the user is a member of.

Joseph Azevedo profile
Last modified 2 years ago
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